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Tag Archives: mammography
Breast and Endometrial Cancer – Causes, Symptoms, Diagnosis, Prognosis and Hormonal Treatment
Breast Cancer Breast cancer is the most commonly diagnosed cancer in women and the second leading cause of cancer death in the United States. It is estimated that the lifetime risk of developing breast cancer is one in eight, with … Continue reading
Posted in Breast cancer, Cancer, Endometrial Cancer
Tagged anastrozole, Arimidex, Aromasin, aromatase inhibitors, AstraZeneca, Breast cancer, Causes, Depo-Provera, Diagnosis, Endometrial cancer, estrogen antagonist, estrogen receptor antagonist, exemestane, Fareston, Faslodex, Femara, fulvestrant, Gonadotropin-releasing hormone, goserelin, Her2, Hormonal treatment, letrozole, leuprorelin acetate, mammography, medroxyprogesterone, Megace, megestrol, Nolvadex, progestins, Prognosis, Selective Estrogen Receptors Modulator, SERMS, Symptoms, tamoxifen, toremifene, Viadur, Zoladex
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